How To

How do I run a new job?

This Http POST will run an ubuntu container and then run the ls -lah command, as soon as there's a free working in fastlane.

$ curl -XPOST -d'{"image": "ubuntu:latest", "command": "ls -lah"}' http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-task
      "taskId": "test-task",
      "executionId": "96812ec5-4574-46da-9474-f901b51d49ec",
      "executionUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/executions/96812ec5-4574-46da-9474-f901b51d49ec/",
      "queueJobId": "db72db9b-cb49-44bd-b2fa-b3afc8e3a041",
      "jobId": "19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6",
      "jobUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/",
      "taskUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-task/"

In order to find more about the running (or done by now) job, just follow the jobUrl parameter of the returned JSON.

How do I run a new job at a specific point in the future?

This Http POST will run an ubuntu container and then run the ls -lah command, at Thursday, February 17, 2022 4:01:32 PM GMT.

$ curl -XPOST -d'{"image": "ubuntu:latest", "command": "ls -lah", "startAt": 1645113692}' http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task
      "executionId": null,
      "executionUrl": null,
      "taskId": "test-scheduled-task",
      "jobId": "19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6",
      "jobUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/",
      "queueJobId": "db72db9b-cb49-44bd-b2fa-b3afc8e3a041",
      "taskUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task/"

In order to find more about the running (or done by now) job, just follow the jobUrl parameter of the returned JSON.

How do I run a new job in 5 minutes?

This Http POST will run an ubuntu container and then run the ls -lah command, in 5 minutes.

$ curl -XPOST -d'{"image": "ubuntu:latest", "command": "ls -lah", "startIn": "5m"}' http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task
      "executionId": null,
      "executionUrl": null,
      "taskId": "test-scheduled-task",
      "jobId": "19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6",
      "queueJobId": "db72db9b-cb49-44bd-b2fa-b3afc8e3a041",
      "jobUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6",
      "taskUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task"

Supported formats also include: 10s, 2m30s, 4h30m25s, 2h30m, 240h.

In order to find more about the running (or done by now) job, just follow the jobUrl parameter of the returned JSON.

How do I run a job periodically?

fastlane supports the well-known cron format. In order to use just specify a cron parameter.

This Http POST will run an ubuntu container and then run the ls -lah command, every each minute of every hour, every day.

$ curl -XPOST -d'{"image": "ubuntu:latest", "command": "ls -lah", "cron": "* * * * *"}' http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task
      "executionId": null,
      "executionUrl": null,
      "taskId": "test-scheduled-task",
      "jobId": "19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6",
      "queueJobId": "db72db9b-cb49-44bd-b2fa-b3afc8e3a041",
      "jobUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6",
      "taskUrl": "http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task"

Just a reminder of the cron format:

# ┌───────────── minute (0 - 59)
# │ ┌───────────── hour (0 - 23)
# │ │ ┌───────────── day of the month (1 - 31)
# │ │ │ ┌───────────── month (1 - 12)
# │ │ │ │ ┌───────────── day of the week (0 - 6) (Sunday to Saturday;
# │ │ │ │ │                                   7 is also Sunday on some systems)
# │ │ │ │ │
# │ │ │ │ │
# * * * * * command to execute

In order to find more about the running (or done by now) job, just follow the jobUrl parameter of the returned JSON.

How do I stop a periodical job?

Just POST to the job URL with a /stop suffix in the job's URL.

$ curl -XPOST http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/stop

How do I find all the jobs in my task?

Just do a GET on the task URL, like:

$ curl -XPOST http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-my-task

How do I get stdout and stderr data for an execution after it finishes?

You can query both after the job id. The exit code comes as a header called Fastlane-Exit-Code.

$ curl http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-my-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/stdout

# and

$ curl http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-my-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/stderr

How do I see what's going on with my job before it finishes?

fastlane comes equipped with two routes for that purpose: /task/<task-id>/jobs/<job-id>/stream and /task/<task-id>/jobs/<job-id>/ws.

The former is a simple page that connects to the latter using WebSockets. That means you should open it in your browser. Just navigate to http://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/stream.

To integrate with fastlane and stream the results of a job, just connect to it using Websockets like:

// In Javascript
const connect = function() {
  const socket = new WebSocket("ws://fastlane.local:10000/tasks/test-scheduled-task/jobs/19603668-7241-4c50-802f-7c39dac831e6/ws/");

  socket.onopen = function (event) {
    console.log('socket open, waiting for logs')

  socket.onmessage = function (event) {
    console.log('Received log',;

  socket.onclose = function (event) {
    console.log('Socket closed');
    if (event.reason != 'done') {
      console.log('Trying again in 5s...');
      if (timeout !== null) {
        timeout = null;
      timeout = setTimeout(connect, 5000);


The reason when the socket gets closed tells you what happened. If the reason is retry it means you should reconnect (like the above) since the job has not started or not finished yet. If the reason is done it means you are done and should not reconnect.